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Bethany & Matthew Williams from Exile International – How To Provide Soul Care for Leaders

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The Ministry Growth Show
Bethany & Matthew Williams from Exile International - How To Provide Soul Care for Leaders

How to Provide Soul Care for Leaders

This week on The Ministry Growth Show we talk with Bethany and Matthew Williams who are the Co-Founder/Co-CEO’s of Exile International. In this episode, Bethany and Matthew discuss Soul Care of Leaders and walk us through how they find a balance between passion and wisdom. Exile International is working to empower children of war to become leaders for peace, so they have a great deal of experience dealing with deep trauma. Bethany and Matthew share some of the hurdles and challenges they’ve overcome as an organization and the mistakes they have learned from working in such a difficult space. This is a great episode for any organizational leader working in ministry sectors where you are dealing with some level of trauma, which at some level is all of us who are working in ministry. We’re all broken people who are serving broken people, and the lessons and experience Bethany and Matthew share in this episode are priceless. Enjoy!


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